
  • Whether you're 14 or 54....

    Imagination Station is a great place to meet new people, give back to the community and have a great time while doing so!

    Imagination Station simply wouldn’t be the place it is without the practical support we receive from our amazing team of volunteer staff.

    Our volunteers help us to greet and assist our visitors, act as teaching assistants to our facilitators, help keep our social media streams up to date, keep the place clean and tidy, and much more!

Want to learn a bit more about volunteering with us...





The goal of our volunteering programme is to provide an opportunity for people to contribute to our community while learning valuable life skills and making new friends along the way. That's why we organise our volunteering programme the way we do.

We take pride in celebrating diversity in community, and one of the many ways we do this is through our Volunteer team. You’ll see people of different cultures, backgrounds and nationalities within our team and they all come together to build and give back to the community.

Our Volunteers carry the essence of who we are as an organisation. If you’re wanting to know more about our history, you can ask a volunteer. If you’re wanting to know more about the educational programmes we offer, you can ask a volunteer. And if you need help to build an incredible LEGO creation, you guessed it, you can ask a volunteer!

This is achieved through a teamwork effort as we aim to have two or more volunteers present with a staff member when we are open. That way we can be engaged with customers and maintain our play area accordingly. We also love to get together, lift up team morale through social and training evenings run by Imagination Station Staff.

Our volunteers are incredibly valuable to our organisation, and our team is constantly growing. For our new Volunteers, we run a volunteer programme that begins with a 4-6 week training for them for the unique duties of their role. Once they have completed their training they have opportunities to help the community settle in and be a part of what we do.

We have seen many volunteers come through our programme with improved social, work and life skills to help them with their desired career path or in life endeavours. One of the greatest accomplishments we’ve seen come out of this programme is people enabled to give back outside of Imagination Station with the skills they developed here.

Our Volunteer Leadership programme is a new addition to the many great opportunities we have at Imagination Station for our Volunteers. We look for a range of qualities in our Volunteer Leaders, since what they do in their roles is important in helping our entire team to succeed.

With the increase of volunteer applicants coming in we saw that there could be more support for them during their training. This need also provided an opportunity for further investment and development into our experienced volunteers and we believed this would be a great way to utilise their experience. Once the role was established we knew we were looking for not only experience in our Volunteer Leaders but excellence and the ability to encourage others. Since launching this programme we have seen our Volunteer Leaders step into their position with enthusiasm, efficiency and success.

Volunteer are eligible to apply for the role of Volunteer Leader after 9 months of consistent volunteering with us. To be successful in becoming a Volunteer Leader, applicants require a thorough understanding of our organisation and confidence in helping fellow their volunteers and our customers.

Our Volunteer Leaders are also encouraged to take an active role in making sure Imagination Station is constantly innovating and improving our services. They all attend special team meetings to learn about new projects and have their input into the running of Imagination Station.

We are looking forward to seeing our Volunteer team grow in excellence with the help of our amazing Volunteer Leaders!

One of the best ways to get a feel for volunteering at Imagination Station is to read stories from those who have gone before!

Head along to ourVolunteer Stories page to read experiences of our current volunteers.

We've set up a new page to show off what our volunteers get up to throughout the year! Simply head over to our newVolunteer Lifepage to check out the latest fun!

If you'd like to read more, you can aslo check out volunteering posts on our blog!