Incorporate the Antarctica NZ Activity Book into your curriculum, support the students with our design process templates, and let the kids showcase their learning and creativity!
The Imagination Station LEGO® kit will be loaned to up to 40 schools for a one month period during terms 1 and 2, 2025.
Participating schools will receive a:
- one month loan of an identical box of Antarctic coloured LEGO® (Imagination Station LEGO® kit)
- Antartica NZ Activity Book
- Imagination Station Engineering Design Process templates.
Competition entries are poster or digital, and each school is required to enter a minimum of 5 builds (builds will be dismantled for other student build entries). School Entries can be individual, group or class, but must use the Imagination Station LEGO® kit. Entries are either an A3 poster or 4-8 google slides per build entry and are judged as:
- years 1-6
- years 7-13
A3 posters and google slides will be displayed at the 2025 Christchurch Brick Show, July 2025.