2020 has been a strange time for global education, and the way we teach has changed drastically. With all the changes taking place in schools and throughout NZ, your classroom probably looks very different to this time last year.
To provide some LEGO based learning tools, Imagination Station has created a range of worksheets. To appeal to a wide range of curriculum topics, our worksheets are about a variety of concepts, and cover lots of types of learning.

We’ve designed these worksheets with all kinds in mind - whole families or groups can work together and LEGO is not essential (although it is highly recommended)!
Now that we’ve safely reopened schools across NZ, you can integrate these worksheets into your classroom teaching or use them at home!
Our website groups our worksheets into broad areas of the curriculum: Living World, Material World, Physical World, and Planet Earth and Beyond. Here we’ve compiled some lists to help you find everything related to a topic you may be interested in. Click the drop-downs below for some great collections!
- "Amazing Animal Facts" (Junior & Senior): Research a dinosaur native to New Zealand.
- "Why do we have Seasons?": Find out where in New Zealand is hot, and where it’s cold! Use a map or globe to locate New Zealand.
- "How Do Volcanoes Work?": Research plate tectonics in Aotearoa, plus some geographic features of the South Island and Mt Ngauruhoe.
- "How do Planes Fly?": Discover Richard Pearce and his attempts at flying in New Zealand around the time of the Wright Brothers’ first flight.
- "How do Cars Work and Move?": Research electricity production in Aotearoa.
- "How does Renewable Energy Work?": Research hydro and geothermal power in New Zealand, and find your nearest power station.
- "How are Skyscrapers Built?": Discover about a tall New Zealand icon while investigating epicly large buildings.
- "It’s just Rocket Science": Learn all about the Apollo 11 moon mission, and the Saturn V rocket which transported the very first people there.
- "How Far is it to the Moon?": The history of moon landings and early space exploration, moons in our solar system and the weather on the surface of the moon!
- "Why do we have Seasons?": How our position compared to the sun creates different seasons here on Earth.
- "How do Volcanoes Work?": Types of volcanoes and the layers of the Earth.
- "How does Renewable Energy Work?": Look at a map of Aotearoa, find your nearest power station and add your town or city to the map.
- "How do Planes Fly": Calculate how long flights between London and New York, and Christchurch and Perth would take in a Concorde.
- "How do Volcanoes Work?": The Pacific “Ring of Fire”, tectonic plate movements, the formation of mountain ranges, plus famous volcanoes from around the world.
- "Why do we have Seasons?": Find New Zealand on a globe or map. Understand how different countries experience different seasons at the same time. Learn about holidays around the world.
- "Why do we have Seasons?": Discover holidays that only happen in one season, as well as holidays that happen at the same time each year, no matter what the season is.
- "How is a Rainbow Made?": Learn about rainbow snakes and bridges to Valhalla, as well as modern understanding of the science behind rainbows.
- "How do Fireworks Work?": Learn who invented fireworks and what they're used to celebrate!
- "How far is it to the Moon?": Learn about the space race between Russia and the USA.
- "How do Fireworks Work?": Pressure release, the combustion triangle and other chemical reactions that produce colourful light displays and loud sounds.
- "How do Cars Work and Move?": Steam power, internal combustion, alternative fuels and electricity are involved in this worksheet.
- "How does Renewable Energy Work?": Discover how electricity is produced with a copper coil and magnet, understand different energy sources that can be used to make electricity, learn where New Zealand and the world get their energy from.
- "It’s just Rocket Science": What kinds of fuel did Saturn V use to get the first people to the moon? How much fuel did each stage need?
- "Why do we eat?": Where does energy come from for people and animals? Learn about how plants create and store energy using light from the sun.
- "How do Volcanoes Work?": Convection currents and pressure build-up.
- "How does Renewable Energy Work?": Using gravity, wind and heat as forces that use electromagnetism to generate electricity.
- "How Do Roller Coasters Work?": Unearth the concepts of gravity, centripetal force and friction.
- "How do Planes Fly?": Label four forces acting on an aeroplane, consider these forces in your daily life, discover how to reduce them, and test them using paper planes!
- "How do Fireworks Work?": Pressure build-up in firework casings, and make your own canister rocket!
- "How are Skyscrapers Built?": Gravity and air resistance versus compressive and flexural strength. What are these forces and what do skyscrapers need to do to overcome them?
- "How Far is it to the Moon?": Isaac Newton’s discovery of gravity, the speed of rockets.
- "Sounds Like Surface Tension": Learn about density and surface tension with lots of experimentation, then research some real examples!
- "How do Cars Work and Move?": The first cars, fuel types, and the inner workings of internal combustion engines feature in this worksheet.
- "How do Planes Fly?": The first planes, the fastest planes, forces that planes experience as they fly.
- "How Do Roller Coasters Work?": Learn about ways a vehicle can reduce friction, take advantage of gravity and centripetal force, as well as how a roller coaster car uses nothing but wheels to stay attached to the tracks!
- "It’s just Rocket Science": Learn all about Saturn V, the rocket that carried the first astronauts to the moon.
- "How Far is it to the Moon?": Calculate how long it would take you to travel around NZ in a space rocket.
- "Amazing Animal Facts:" Investigate the function of different teeth shapes, learn about mammalian vs reptilian traits, discover how bioluminescent bacteria help angler fish survive in the dark, and understand that dinosaurs are the ancestors of birds.
- "How do Genetics Work?": DNA, genes, alleles, and dominant versus recessive traits. Cloning and reproduction are also featured.
- "How Far is it to the Moon?": Invent a creature who could survive on the moon - research the living conditions first!
- "How do Cars Work and Move?": The first car, the fastest steam powered car, and other inventions such as the internal combustion engine, electric vehicles and your own new alternative fuel.
- "How do Planes Fly?": The Wright brothers and other early attempts at flying. Research Richard Pearce, a kiwi working on flight, and the fastest passenger plane, Concorde.
- "How do Fireworks Work?": The history of fireworks and how their colours and noises are made.
- "How do Volcanoes Work?": Invent a way to escape a volcano. You could also use this learning to segue into how we detect volcanic eruptions before they happen using seismometers.
- "How Do Roller Coasters Work?": Explore how roller coasters have changed over time.
- "It’s just Rocket Science": After learning all about the rocket that helped complete the first moon landing, design and build your own rocket!
- "How does Renewable Energy Work?": Once you’ve learned all about renewable energy sources, decide the best place to build a wind farm, with justification of course.
- "How Far is it to the Moon?": Isaac Newton’s identification of gravity, the history of moon exploration and early manned space exploration.
- "How are Skyscrapers Built?": Discover the fastest and tallest skyscraper constructions in history, plus learn about different skyscraper frames and how these help make stronger structures.
If you can’t find a topic, feel free to email us and ask.
We hope these worksheets are useful in whatever learning projects you are working on, and we’d love to hear how you’ve been using them. We also value feedback on all our resources.
To let us know what you think of the worksheets or request an answer sheet, email us at education@imagination-station.org.nz.